Bilingual Project
Mayor de Inglaterra School, in the year 2015, decided to set its own bilingual process that fosters and contributes to better learners´ English learning outcomes. Therefore, this project is framed by four main aspects:
Mayor de Inglaterra School, in the year 2015, decided to set its own bilingual process that fosters and contributes to better learners´ English learning outcomes. Therefore, this project is framed by four main aspects:
Using English as the vehicular language to teach and learn different school subjects reinforces our learners´ ability to communicate in the second language while they are developing cognitive processes from the other school subjects.
For that reason, Mayor de Inglaterra School, gradually, is including school subjects taught in English in its curricular syllabus, thus, pre-kinder graders use the second language constantly.
The institution promotes learners´ participation in the immersion program held in June. That immersion allows learners live the language in an English country through culture and education.
Teaching English and French generates situations where teachers and learners can discuss about the importance of the relationship between language and culture.
Tolerance, respect and empathy towards different cultures and social features from each country are key topics inside the classroom.
El Colegio Campestre Mayor de Inglaterra, se encuentra clasificado dentro de los 10 primeros colegios de Cota con un reconocimiento de mención de honor a la excelencia académica.
God, Philanthropy and Nature...
Pensando en el desarrollo integral de sus estudiantes, el Colegio Mayor de Inglaterra, ofrece convenios con diferentes entidades educativas del país para su formación profesional y acompañamiento permanente en la academia.
Secretaría de Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 am a 3:00 pm.
Jornada Escolar de Lunes a Viernes de 7:30 am a 3:15 pm.
Calle 80 600m Via
Parque la Florida
745 27 29 / 320 842 47 77
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